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don't try to be funneh !
want the anything please ask me
if not, prepare to climb into your own coffin .__.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014 ; 9:45 AM {♥}


27th February 2014

Oh hai there! My first post of the year whoohoo~!
To all my readers out there,
HAPPY NEW YEAR, HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR, HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!! (Belated ones are never too late right) Heh.)
Will probably be blogging about Chinese New Year and Valentines Day soon.
And when I mean soon, you know my procrastination skills lah horh? :P
Quick update, I'm now halfway through examinations, and because I was procrastinating on revision and ran out of YouTube videos to watch, I decided to come back and blog for awhile heh.
Also, actually there's this post in my draft section waiting to be completed and published but it seems like it's taking me forever to finish that post.
When I mean forever, I mean literally forever!
I started that post on 31 December I think, 2 months has passed I only completed half the post ):
Procrastination at its fullest again.
So wait for it okay? I did tried to complete that post just now but I gave up halfway lol.
Anws, you must be wondering, Hey why is there a video inserted at the beginning of this post?
Drumrolls please~~~

Those who knows me knows that I am not quite a fan of kpop, but this is the very first time I'm listening to a kpop song on repeat!
Yes it's on repeat!!
Usually my Korean songs playlist comes from the dramas OSTs that I've watched,
Never before is like this scenario where I accidentally found the song.
This song is by CNBLUE (씨엔불루) titled Can't Stop in their newest album.
I was all along enticed by CNBLUE members due to the dramas that they appear in.
I first noticed CNBLUE was when JongHyun starred in A Gentleman's Dignity as a role called Colin.
YongHwa starred as guest appearance too in that drama.
I thought JongHyun looked really special (in other words, super handsome),
and went to Wiki him immediately and found out that he is in a group called CNBLUE.
Then throughout the drama, he actually performed songs (just short clips) and sang one of the OST for that drama.
I thought his voice was really sexy and attractive. Like ohmygosh.
He even became my wallpaper on my phone for the longest period of time until changed a new phone.
But I didn't put any of his songs into my playlist, not even the OST he sang.

And then there was MinHyuk.
He appeared in My Husband Got A Family,
got to watch this drama because Channel U was broadcasting it every weekdays 7pm.
Again I thought he looked really special.
So I Wiki-ed him up and realized he is also from CNBLUE!
So of course I had to Wiki CNBLUE too and realized all four looked like Prince Charming ohgosh.
But still, I have never heard of any of their songs.

Whenever Running Man has any of the CNBLUE members, I get super duper excited.
Just like how the very recent Ep 186 has CNBLUE members, and it was the first that they were all together in Running Man.
So I fangirl-ed quite hard man.
And even forced Alicia Siyin and Calvin to watch it with me in school yesterday during lunch time.
And it was my second time watching that episode,
Yet I can still laugh at the funny parts,
Salivate over the boys etc.

I have absolutely NO IDEA why I decided to type out an entire history of how I got to know CNBLUE.
Because what I had in mind was just to introduce you to this song
And also mark an achievement milestone,
Because my playlist doesn't only includes Show Luo or Taylor Swift only already hohoho.
On the day this song Can't Stop 's MV was released, it was plastered all over my Facebook Newsfeed.
Then later at night I started to procrastinate from revision, and ran out of YouTube videos to watch.
So I clicked on the Popular tab and then it was there.
The video was there waiting to be clicked.
So I thought, oh well, it's CNBLUE, watching it once won't hurt right?
I got addicted. Like seriously addicted.
It was echoing in my head while I was trying to cramp last minute Econs definitions into my head.
I like how the song can contain both fast and slow tempo but doesn't sound weird at all.
Plus YongHwa's singing technique was really good.
He really knows how to use emotions to present the song really well.
Also, it was pretty fresh for me because usually the kpop I hear in streets are so damn techno (not my cup of tea)
And also JongHyun had like 6 sentences of solo throughout the whole song.
I love his part the most too!
Then I found out that actually the 4 of them are really really talented.
Especially YongHwa.
He wrote 5/6 of the songs in their new album sia! Including this track Can't Stop !

Below attached is another video of the same song, but comes with Romanization and English translation. Happy singing!!
Hope you all will have a great week ahead!
See you soon (:

Signing off,

iloooooooveyous {♥}

Sunday, October 20, 2013 ; 8:29 PM {♥}


Life, it's really unfair isn't it?

You work your ass out for good results where else others simply just have to sit in lessons and get As on their report cards.
You work your ass out (again) for high paying job positions where else others are born with a silver spoon in their mouth.
You end up retiring and have to babysit your grandchildren where else others have maids to mind all house chores for them.

You might be thinking, "Hey why is life so unfair to me? Why do others always get better stuff?"
That is because we, as human beings, like to compare.
If you realize, we have been comparing to each other like forever.
When we are born, we get compared to our sizes and stamina, where our parents will be thinking "Hey, this is so unfair. Why my child gets so sickly every time but other people's children are so strong and healthy?"
Then, we grow up a bit more and we start comparing examination results.
Then, we grow up a teeny more and we start comparing our heights and weights.
Then, we grow up a little more and we start comparing salary status.
Then, we grow up even more and start comparing our children.
And this vicious cycle just repeats itself over and over again.

Do you feel great after comparing yourself to others that are better than you?
Obviously not.
But as human beings we just can't seem to stop comparing ourselves to others.
Maybe some of you might argue notably that comparing is a positive thing -- you can improve yourself and strive to become better than others.
However, is it really that great to compare others with yourself?
Why let your life be so miserable when you can make it happier?

So the question is, how do we stop comparing since it's a human nature for us to compare?
I actually went to ask some religion seniors for the answer just for this blogpost.
What they were saying was to feel our own heart and mind, and never be too bothered by your surroundings.
One of them even said "to pretend that all of those better people have died" ahahaha!
But what I feel is that you make yourself feel that you are the king of the world, you just do your best at everything, and if you really felt that you've done your best but still couldn't get the results you wanted, it's okay. Just give yourself a pat on the shoulders, go and do whatever you like for a day and continue to work hard the very next day. Don't go around comparing results and demoralize yourself, that's equivalent to suicide.
I mean, you have done your best, what is there to complain or be sad about?
Unless you don't give a damn in working hard and then get lousy results, then just slap yourself lol.

Now just allow me to sidetrack.
Why did I want to do such a chimology post?
Actually this post was supposed to be a rant post ranting at this b*tch whom I subconsciously compared myself to her.
I felt really inferior, thinking why does MY extended family likes her more than their own flesh and blood?
I felt left out whenever she's around, it was like she was the one in the middle of the spotlight, and I felt that should be my spotlight.
Also, why does the adult thought of her FIRST whenever they've got an outing and only cared to bring her out instead of me? I mean, the adults could say because she has pretty busy parents that neglects her. FUCK YOU then, I'm always alone at home the whole time. I see only four walls when I come back from school. She still has her maids and siblings and her extravagant gadgets (She has a rich family, you see I'm comparing again.)
Why does the adults in my extended family always tells me to give way to xiaomeimei (younger sister) when she is only 2 years younger than me? Furthermore, I always had to be the big sister and give way to the younger cousins. So it was like, 7 year old me is also the big sister who had to take care of everybody, 17 year old me still is the big sister. While for others 7 year old them is little kid, 17 year old them still is a little kid just because all of them are younger than me.
So all these "Why does" made me compared myself to her and became pretty jealous, comparing the attention we received and family status and the adults' biasness.
In the end, I became the fool.
Not only my self esteem became super low especially with that girl around (oh this b*tch glared at me wtf)
Also I became a topic to gossip among the adults, and was labeled as the "Pathetic and Weird" Ong.
So why compare? Probably if I did not compare and just minded my own business, I wouldn't have to write my own tragedy on a blog where nobody reads.

"Don’t compare yourself with others. Be true to who you are and try to cherish and feel content with your own irreplaceable life. Even if you’re sometimes laughed at, or people let you down, keep going forward and never let yourself be defeated." -Daisaku Ikeda (To My Young Friends

Let me end off this blogpost with this quote by Sensei which I accidentally found online and thought it was relevant with the topic that we are talking today. This blogpost took me almost TWO MONTHS to finish up because it's 21st October today, and I started this blogpost on 7th September.
I will like to do more of such chimology posts because I feel that not only I might help any lost souls on the internet (just like me), also it feels like the more sensible and matured inner me is talking and guiding the torn and tattered outer me.
Thanks for reading!
Signing off, Wenxse.

iloooooooveyous {♥}

Sunday, July 14, 2013 ; 8:11 PM {♥}



Hello readers!
(Okay this is awkward as I really don't know how to start a blog post and this happens EVERY SINGLE TIME)
(One more reason to be awkward cuz first time I'm starting a blog post with my own picture!)
Anyways, spot anything different on me in that first photo?
YES! I'm wearing a floral wreath for the very first time!
And it's from @Diamonddrops on Instagram!
At first when I received a notice from her that I won a sponsorship from her for myself,
I couldn't believe it!

Screenshot of my email from her
Yup. And so everything came in and TADA~
I picked the pink roses because I had the carnations from her already and pink goes well for everything (More like cuz I'm biased towards pink BWAHAHAHAHA)
And yes! I shan't do anymore typing, and the pictures are here for you to judge how pretty the Pink Roses wreath looks like!
P.S. these photos that you are about to view are not filtered because I thought it's best to show the wreath in its original state of colour.

Spot the Red Rose sticker on my door!
Obviously this is very filtered lolol.
One of the hairstyle I tried with this wreath: Centre parting
Obviously it looked hideous on me so there's only one picture of me in Centre Parting
The side view of the Pink Roses!
My bad for the last rose! Didn't know it flipped over until I saw this picture! ><
Then, I felt that my lousy S3 front cam wasn't that good, so I changed to my super HD picure camera.
And apparently it was sooooo HD that you could see my pimples ><

This is what I call, the famous Lohanhan pose.
Go check out her IG too @lohanhan and tell me if I'm right.

Act cute not cute look

With my super HD camera, this is a closeup shot of the roses.
Or rather, one of the rose.

Look at how amazing this whole piece is.
I can even adjust the wreath according to my head size!
How awesome is that?!
Full view of the wreath
Before this sponsorship, I actually bought two wreaths from @Diamonddrops too.
Pink Carnation Wreath (Pink again lolol)
and Colour Splash Wreath !
They are so affordable!
And I've got every rights to judge about the price as I'm also a student with limited amount of pocket money.
So yes, if a student with not much money but likes to act pretty (just like me) wants to get a floral wreath, just go stalk @Diamonddrops okay.
Guarantee plus chop will not regret de!
Pink Carnations Wreath

Pink Carnations Wreath
plus over filtered ahahaha

Colour Splash Wreath!
Loving this the most as I thought it brightens up my skin tone!
And it's no doubt so pretty!!

Another photo of Colour Splash cuz I can't stop spazzing over the colourful combination
@Diamonddrops even have headchains!!

@Diamonddrops even have matching Mum&Baby floral headband!
How lovely and sweet is that?! -spazz-
So after seeing all these tempting photos. you must be wondering how to get to @Diamonddrops if you are too lazy to search on Instagram?
Well, check out her Instagram here: http://web.stagram.com/n/diamonddrops/
Or even her website: http://diamonddrops.storenvy.com/
So whatcha waiting for?

iloooooooveyous {♥}

Sunday, July 7, 2013 ; 7:20 AM {♥}



Hi Readers.
I'm sorry I procrastinated a bit too much, and broke the promise of the exciting posts that were coming out.
But don't worry, those are still coming out too.
But that's probably gonna take quite awhile.
Cuz it involves a lot of photos in my phone,
And I'm real lazy to transfer photos from my phone into my computer.
It's really a hassle to do that.
So that's why I kinda procrastinated.
I ruled out that I'd rather complete my tutorials and projects than figuring out how to transfer photos from phone to computer lol.
So yes, enough of this explanation thingy and let's move on to today's blogpost!!
Today's blogpost is something that I've been very secretive with, and very exciting with too!
Not exactly secretive I daresay, since only close friends around me knows about the whole big deal.
So drumroll please==========
I mean, the closest event comparable to NDP is Chingay2012, with the water stage and everything (I swear the water stage was one of the most pretty thing ever)
And since there was an audition for NDP 2013, I decided to go.
Then I received exactly 2 calls from different NDP admin personnel that I got into NDP2013.
Was like meh at first, but now I'm having a totally different attitude about this!
I was actually very hesitant about joining NDP2013, as this is my very first year in a new environment in a new school in a new surrounding,
I've got no idea what awaits for me in the new school, be it nasty project works or horrible tutorials or terrible lessons.
But I trusted myself and accepted the challenge.
So training actually started around mid-April, just about the same time as my new school reopens.
Juggling school and training sessions were really hard, esp when there were 2 trainings a week, and considering that the training venue was really far.
But opportunity cost of cuz must occur (quote econs term here)
So I thought I should really enjoy these times.
And a shoutout to my project work's teammates aka classmates aka clique.
They were all so sweet and concern that our meetup dates wouldn't clash into my NDP training dates! ♥
Okay. So let's officially move into the real topic after that lengthy introduction.
What sparked me to blog about this issue?
Well, after yesterday's Combined Rehearsal actually.
It was the first time I see the audience seat filled with people!
Previously we've only seen army guys and random volunteers and NDP staff and Uncle Stallions and our trainers on there only.
But last night it was our very first performance with audiences.
And Syukri was there too! -cues children cheering sound effect-
So surprised to see his sms that I called him straight with two monkeys fooling behind me lol. -Winks at Fiona and Michelle- :P
So these are some photos I took from webstagram.




This was dinner for last night. Pizza Hut, a change from the KFC we've been eating since forever lol.
One slice of Hawaiian Pizza, 2 pieces of garlic bread and 4 pieces of Chicken wing.
The chicken wing was really good, as said by some non-meat eater which is me.

Was so excited about this whole flag thingy while preparing backstage.
Khloe had to ask, "You never see flag before is it?"

 Side track. Look at this boy with upside down tattoo of Singapore flag! So cute!
Note to readers: I am not a pedophile. By saying that a random little boy is cute doesn't mean that I'm a pedo okay. Well, probably not.....? 

Look at those fireworks! Every Saturday's performance I'm always the most excited about fireworks. And more fireworks. And even more fireworks.

This year's Funpack! I've got no idea why it received so much criticism from the public cuz I simply just adore it ttm♥!
I want to own a Funpack too!
Can't wait to receive mine! The light saber and the whistle is just jjang and daebak!

So that's about it actually.
Was in awe to see the audience seat was filled with audience.
Not exactly filled,
but at least 3 quarters filled.
The cheers, the cameraman snapping away, the applause, the spotlight.
What a thrill.
And I realized I do the "Taylor Swift Glance" when I'm on stage.
I mean, it's so fantastic to sink into the atmosphere.

Last but not least,
I need to thank everyone.
Everyone that's reading my pathetic blog,
Everyone that came down to watch us perform,
Everyone in the NDP Exco to put the whole show together,
Everyone in SSA NDP Exco to make our show together,
Everyone like Uncle Stallions for all the great care that you gave us and we received,
Everyone in SSA participants for making this whole choreography possible,
Everyone in my group Echo 2 for the utmost care towards the youngest me,
And yes, my heart is filled with lots of gratitude.
Thank you.

With that, I shall sign off.
With lots of love,
E213 SSA Participant of NDP2013
Ong Wen Xse

I can't wait for the audience seat to be completely filled!

After such a lengthy post, you must be wondering...
So wtheck is my performance?
As much as I would love to reveal, I can't.
So the only clue I'm going to give is: I am in this picture.
Go zoom up all close and you'll definitely be able to see me MUAHAHAHA


iloooooooveyous {♥}

Monday, May 20, 2013 ; 7:14 AM {♥}

Hi readers, long time no see, really really long time no see.
Last time I posted was like, donkey years ago.
Within these 6 months of disappearance, (WOW it's 6 months since my last post!)
so many things has happened.
Like duh, since its already half a year.
So let's start from Dec 21 2012.
Apparently it wasn't doomsday.
Was really disappointed, cuz if you followed my twitter, I stated I didn't want to receive my O Level results.

Somewhere in Dec 2012,
I picked up an abandoned rabbit in my neighbourhood,
and since then she has been staying with us.
Poor rabbit, sho cute but also kena abandoned ):
Anws, luckily I chanced upon her,
or else IDK how else she is going to survive.
Was so skinny when I first found her.
Like you can literally feel the backbones just by petting her.
But of course now she's a lot fatter (OMG)
And a shoutout to my kind and caring neighbours who bought veggies for her every single day just to feed it. (Yepp I put her outside my flat so that when I'm out my neighbours can help feed her.)
Thank you uncles and aunty!!!!
Anws, she is now renamed as Shiro-Chan, a name given by my mentor in life.
Shiro-Chan literally means Xiao Bai, (Little White) in Japanese. Because she has a very distinctive white twitching nose.
But she's still known as Wabbit on my Twitter and in my SMSes to some of my close friends.
Yup and she can do a trick! That's my only proud thing that she can show off.
And so, blahblahblah, time flies fast, it was 10 Jan 2013.
Release of O level results.
I cried, many haters thought I was crying cuz I didn't do well, but sorry to disappoint them.
Those, were tears of joy. (:
Then blahblahblah again,
Release of posting results.

And then, in my 5 months of holidays,
I had 5-6 job experiences,
cuz I only did jobs with short period of assignments lols.
So lets date all the way to now, 20 May 2013.

I'm in a school now, enjoying my time studying, enjoying the environment.
I love my awesome friends, awesome classmates,
But I too have not so awesome tutors and lecturers.
Stress is everywhere too.
Project here, tutorial there, e-tutorial on the other side.

Then my plans for near future will be doing my VERY OWN YOUTUBE CHANNEL YAYS! -insert cheers and applause-
No more Hanhan & Ashley or WScuboid, okay not that that's going to disappear,
but I will start doing videos solo also.
Promise that it'll be fun,
but I need the time before anything can start ):
So at the mean time go check out Hanhan's blog and her very own Youtube channel!
http://hanhanlovely.blogspot.com (Hanhan's blog)
http://www.youtube.com/user/hanhanyiling (Hanhan's Youtube channel)

After this blog post I'm gonna post sth fun, so do stay tuned!
Promise that the fun post I'm gonna post will contain lots and lots of photos, so do come back okay!
Thank you and goodnights~!
~Ashley (I miss using this name so lets use this name for this very short post instead. :D )


iloooooooveyous {♥}

; 6:45 AM {♥}


4/2/2013 7.20PM

Hello Hello! Sorry I've been away like for months.
But yes, I'm going to start blogging again soon!
And today, this post is dedicated to my FDSD camp group, WE ARE YOUNG!!!
We had this fabulous outing two days ago and I just want to blog about it.
It was our very first outing as a group, and as the picture above shows it all,
Yes, I was so excited for that day to come,
And ended up sleeping at 6AM on the day of the outing.
Of course I couldn't wake up, so I was pretty late
Along with Jia Jun and Kui Qiang (the boys in the above picture),
We were super late.
Went in and saw Kotaro and Xiuzhen,
and put things in locker and blah.
Lets skip those unnecessary parts.
Met with the rest,
Apparently they had just finished the Rocket ride and the ride beside it.
Proceeded on with Snorkelling, I didn't want to go.
Tried it previously, it was really scary.
The snorkelling gadgets were no good, water keep entering nose.
Thus I have that phobia already, and I refused to play it again this time.
Xiuzhen was such a darling to accompany me to wait for the rest to finish their snorkelling.
We tried those obstacle courses while waiting,
and I had rope burns in the end, which made me look like I cut myself or sth ._.
Then yeah, played most of the slides and so on,
nothing very special here.
Lazy river with them was fun!
Didn't take much photo as we didn't want to wet our gadgets.
And so, we played until like three plus PM?
Then we had lunch tgt,
Shawn bought tid bits previously,
and Jia En woke up super early to make us Tuna and Salmon sandwiches!
So touched right!
Shoutout to Jia En, THANK YOU & ILY! <3 font="">
And we chatted, got to know more of each other, laughed at each other.
Insert picture of us in a group during lunch here:

And of course after lunch what we did was to spam lots and lots of pictures!
Just us, the whole lot of us.

Another shot of us (:
Xiuzhen & Me
(I admit, I accidentally edited this photo abit too much ah :X )
Plus the shirt XZ was wearing! Stage Hyaline Of the World!!!!!


I was being extra. And I look like I didn't wear shorts gah (T.T)
 Pwetty YWDs <3 font="">


And Yue Chang made me walk the Sentosa boardwalk after a long tiring day. How nice of her. I can't believe how did I complete the long stretch of walk with those sore muscles.

 We call this part of the adventure river "Chinatown".

Amazing Sunset~

 The Adventure Cove long bottle that I bought. Featuring my feet and my slippers ahahahaha.

 Shadows of me and Kui Qiang featuring my foot again. Oh gosh how many times have my feet/foot photobombed nice pictures? -.-"

Just, random photos.

This is a picture of me and Yue Chang to commemorate our completion of the Sentosa boardwalk. I almost died askgiusekdsg. And I just realize that the photos here are not in sequence wtheck.



Children's pool without any children.
Another example of photo not in sequence, this photo was taken on the boardwalk. Feels like we're moving real fast but we're not at all.


Ooops sorry I found this in my draft section, and realized it was not complete lol.
Probably got real lazy while blogging about this and procrastinate until now ahahhahaha.
So here I am trying to continue this blog.
And enjoy! (:

So where was I?
Oh ohkay.
So after that we went for lunch at Habourfront,
talked, chatted, spat rice at each other.
Then I had no idea why we decided to head to Vivo City to lepak,
sat at the rooftop garden (is that what it is called?)
under the stars, so freaking pretty.
Lying down on the floor looking up at the stars.
So freaking romantic, cuz it's like so many freaking stars.
And it's sth we don't see oftenly due to living in the city area with lots of high rise buildings ):
Then we were chatting, sharing testimonials, etc.
I really felt really bonded, as a group, trusting everyone enough to share personal testimonials.
And yeah, thanks Boss for sharing with me your super dramatic testimonial.

Then I think that's all.
Finally blogged about it. Finally.
I don't feel guilty anymore bwahahaha.
Wait for my next blog post!
I plan to keep this blog alive again! (If I've got the time.)
So, goodnights!! (:

iloooooooveyous {♥}

Thursday, November 8, 2012 ; 9:56 AM {♥}

*Picture from Google Image.


Hey readers,
As you can guess from the picture above,
Today's post shall be on nightmares.
I have been under alot of exam stress these few days,
And for the first 3 days of my examinations,
I had nightmares for the 3 consecutive nights.
Different stories, but exam-related.
Who believes in dreams?
Some people can predict the future through their dreams.
But some are just paranoid about their dreams, worrying for nothing.
HOWEVER, I'm not the latter.
I'm the type that believes in dreams, unless it is absurd.
I dreamt twice that I kissed my idol,
Though that will definitely not come through,
But its still great to actually "witness" yourself fufilling your craves.
There was a period of time that I dream of UFOs attacking.
Same dream repeated in constant time intervals.
Like every month I'll have the exact same dream.
UFO's flying around, aliens freezing humans.
So if you tell me the world is ending,
I'll definitely believe that it will be exactly in my dreams.
Two days ago,
I had this weird dream.
I dreamt of my late great-grandmother.
I thought I saw a glimpse of my late granduncle too.
It was like I'm interacting with my late great-grandmother in my grandmother's kitchen.
And my grandmother was there with us too.
Then suddenly out of nowhere a gang of mafia-looking tough guys barged into the house.
And started attacking me/slashing me with choppers.
So I blocked them with my arms and my arms were all bloody.
And then they ran out or disappeared or sth.
Then I somehow forgot about my bloody hands and continue cooking with my other two old folks.
And my late great-grandmother had a personal assistant that looks familiar.
(YES, until now I still cannot think of who she is.)
So then when I remembered my wounds, I wanted to grab some medication.
But my late great-grandmother stopped me.
Then after some time, my arms still bloody,
My whole family came in.
Like my grandfather, uncle, aunt, parents, cousins.
Everyone suddenly came in.
Then when I turn around,
I saw my great grandmother becoming very sneaky with her assistant.
So I went out and greet the family,
And told them I saw our late great grandmother.
They didn't believe.
So I wanted to bring my late great-grandmother to see my family.
But she was nowhere in the kitchen.
I found her in a room discussing sth with her assistant.
Then she asked me to go out or sth,
Cuz I remembered I left the room.
Then I went to another room next to that room,
And saw two relatives lying on the bed motionlessly and pale.
It scared the shit outta me actually.
Then the female relative moved, and she sees the window outside.
She sees a black hood flying away from the room next door.
I turn around just in time to see it too.
And I rushed to go find my late great-grandmother,
she was gone.
So I went back to the living room to join my family.
Her assistant then passed me a red packet with words on it,
Stating that they had fun bonding with me,
And signed off by my late great-grandmother.
I'm so creeped out.
Then just now,
Just only,
like maybe half an hour ago,
I had a visual/ a thought that flashed through my mind.
I think I did not see my grandmother.
Cuz the other part of me thought I saw her serving soup for the family after the whole drama.
So I was thinking,
will there be sth bad that might happen??
Because I never dreamt of my late great-grandmother after her death.
Is she trying to tell me something?
Am I going to die, cuz I'm the only one who saw her?
And just later I'm going to overseas with my family.
And that includes my grandmother.
No, I'm not going to let anything happen to my grandmother.
I would die for her.
Anyway the world to me now is just hatred.
So there's no point taking innocent people's life.
I think I might meet with a mishap,
And then on the verge of life and death.
Then I recovered through the support of my family.
What do you guys think?
Am I thinking too much?
Was it just a coincidence?
Should I consult any adult?
And also, leave a comment in the commentbox right on the left-hand side of this blog.
Question for you readers: What is your weirdest dream? It can me freaky like mine, or comedy, or sth totally random.
Totally looking forward to read your dreams. (:
Wenzy <3 p="p">

iloooooooveyous {♥}

th' sexayyye laddyyyye {♥}
Me,Myself &! I.
♥ iloveyou :D

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Sentence of the Day!
愛不費一顆子彈,靈魂就洞穿. 我投降, 能不能把記憶關上?

i'm a extremely BIGBIG Show Luo Zhi Xiang's fan.
mention him and ill go gaga XP
i live in my own fairytale
where Princess and Prince live happily ever after
& i'm extremely abnormal + keesiao :D
and i'm happy with my Show Luo

[contact] hft

cravings. {♥}
i'm one big greedy lady !
{♥}Meet Show Luo Zhi Xiang !!!
{♥}Meet Show Luo Zhi Xiang AGAIN!!!
{♥}See more aeroplanes!
{♥}whole collection of Show Luo's photobook and magazines !
{♥}red hoodie that Show Luo has
{♥}kick his ass and slap her pimple face !
{♥}learn Korean
{♥}get new laptop! (Vaio)
{♥}learn th Drums
{♥}change phone
{♥}learn back Wushu
{♥}new wallet
{♥}a trip to Taiwan AGAIN
{♥}a bigbig winnie the pooh
{♥}good grades for PRELIMS2012
{♥}trip to Korea
{♥}walk in the rain with my beloved one
{♥}ymm to die (which is impossible) .___.
{♥}get to university fast
{♥}get my dream career soon!
{♥}get good grades for upcoming MST!
{♥}pass my Grade 8 piano exams!!

others {♥}

My Love Ones {♥}
tag if i missed you out

Shi Ping
Sean Lim
Sky Lim
Jaedon Ong
Elson Ong
Reyrs Ong
Joella Rhea Ong
Yenni Ong
Sham Goh
Shawn Goh

Di Yong Shu Shu.SELINA

The 6Int Family!
Min Hui.四弟
Guan Hong.阿公
Vanessa.KACENG (cousin)
Hui Yu.姑姑

Awesome group of us ♥

And of course YOU, Show Luo.

media player {♥}
Please don't stop the music
-no music at th moment- {♥}
Crappyy {♥}
don't even bother giving a spam :D

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The past {♥}

Kiss Good-bye {♥}
byyyyyyyyyyyyyes ; (:
keesiao-ers viewing

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Ning Huan
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Yi Ling
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Jia Wen
Hui Yu
KSS 1C'09
1C Class Blog
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Shi Yan
Li Ting
Xue Min.MEI ER
Xin Ying
Yvonne Ling
Zhen Kun.LAOPA
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Poh Yin (senior)
Zi En.DA JIE(Senior)
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Hazel (senior)
Lee Jun Ki ♥♥♥♥♥
Show Luo ♥♥♥♥♥
Hayami Mokomichi
Wu Ke Qun
Kenji Wu
Taylor Swift
Jolin Tsai
Rainie Yang

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